Make The Great Commandment and The Great Commission come alive through Acts of Service and Love.
God calls us to serve one another, and the FMBC ministries provide opportunities for everyone to be involved in service.
Bayside MLK Jr. Academy
Reaching Out To The Marin City Community, First Missionary Has Adopted Bayside MLK Jr. Academy As Our School. Opportunity Awaits For Us To Volunteer Daily. Help Is Needed Tutoring, On The Playground, Serving Lunch And In The Classroom.
Marin City Fatherhood Council
Under Pastor Leggett's Leadership, The Marin City Fatherhood Council Was Created. It Is Made Up Of Fathers And Young Men From Various Churches And Different Walks Of Life Throughout The Marin City Community.
First Missionary Baptist Church Has Always Been A Church Whose Presence Extends Beyond The Church Walls To The Marin City Neighborhood And The Broader Community.